Have You Experienced ‘Warp-Speed Learning’?
There are many details to learn and consider when moving forward in business and it’s amazing how much time we spend ‘waiting’. Making a decision to learn on a regular basis means listening to leaders who are out in the trenches! Choosing and then running with a team...Is Tucson Developing Intellectual Capital?
I’m a Tucson native and that’s pretty rare to find anymore. Many changes have affected this community during the last 10 years, especially within the business arena. Some say we are stuck in a small city structure while others who come here say there is so much...Need Real Answers In Business Marketing?
Business ownership is an exciting opportunity, yet I often hear owners discussing concerns about the details of running marketing strategies that are not in their area of expertise. When a project needs to be done in your trade, you’re the one eager to make it happen;...Social Media Reality Check
Learning about social media is never ending; there are multiple apps and programs, but also more importantly, are the niches connected so that you utilize the most effective one for your business. I often attend webinars and conference calls to engage my brain into direct learning from those who are heroes in this field. It’s something business owners need to do, but how much do YOU really have to learn?
Are You Staying The Course?
I regularly take the opportunity to read articles streaming through social media and consider it a privilege to learn from others who have gone before me. Knowing there are hundreds of business owners like me, who desire to have more success in areas that are...Turn Marketing Mind Melt Down Into Fun!
How many times have you been in a meltdown because you can’t imagine yourself doing anything else to keep business moving forward? You’re involved with everyday aspects of working in your business as the owner or in the role of a director, but you have no time or energy to even think about marketing?