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Creative ideas are much more fun to work on than everyday administrative or business responsibilities, but not for everyone. Some business owners believe they can’t be ‘creative’ because there’s no time in their schedule outside of daily tasks. Others feel they are just not creative and it hurts to even think about that word. I enjoy sitting with clients to listen intently as they share their goals, challenges and desires, then encourage them as they consider options for positive changes in their business. Next, we ‘Create a Campaign’ together to make it happen.

To be able to discuss details of what their real goals are, such as whom the target audience is, and how they are currently marketing themselves is a standard, right? But how many times have you done this with someone only to find they try to fit you into their ‘box of solutions’ and you end up just going through the motions again to meet quotas? I’m working with a couple of non-profit clients and have offered a new creative approach to catch the attention of current and past donors. We are enjoying the process of thinking ‘outside the box’ to meet the financial and budgetary needs that are established through strategy and planning.

Who says you can’t have fun in business? Do you believe there’s only one way to market your business model?

Why not consider some of these ideas to get creative in your planning toward 4th quarter:

  • Join together with a few other referral business owners to participate in a Creative Campaign advertising end of year specials. Ask for guidance from a marketing expert for images and communication strategies.
  • Create a new Email Campaign to your potential client list that includes a cool usable ‘opt in’ item for their office. Make sure your business name is on it.
  • Design a new Flyer for social media that offers a special rate or introduces a product for your business. To get your staff involved, create a contest for them to post the new Flyer on their personal pages and social media. Also have it printed for your sales staff to utilize during one-on-one appointments.
  • Develop an Image Advertising Campaign with your staff utilizing their ideas for the Holidays. Tell your clients that these ideas came from ‘Joe in Telemarketing,’ ‘Sarah in Human Resources’ or ‘Mark in Irrigation Specialties’ and give your staff the full credit for serving in their area of expertise.

Enjoying your business everyday is probably what you dreamed of when you started, but the day-to-day responsibilities tend to take your focus so you may not accomplish new creative opportunities. Why not begin to break out of the standard cycle of marketing and communication so you can reach new levels by inventing something completely customized for your business model or product? Invite your staff to join you for an interactive brainstorming session with an expert in your community that understands your marketing goals and who can offer new strategies toward increasing revenues.

A sincere refresher before end of quarter is strategic and very doable for every business plan. Frankly, doesn’t it make financial responsibility sound a lot more fun? Let’s get creative together and make plans to increase your business!


Suzette Howe is a Marketing Guide and Founder of www.ShowUhow2.com, a unique How2Team™ of professionals who partner with you to design strategic solutions and host ShowUeducation™ classes, offering all aspects of Full Service Marketing.